Now....I know the title seems to be crazy absolutely....! FOR THOSE WHO HATE READING!? Why would anyone peek in if they hate reading???
Well Well.....Those who don't like reading anything like blogs...novels...books...columns..and even your books and those who like reading only facebook status....messages....comments....and tweets....THIS IS FOR YOU...!!Reading is an art of relaxing your mind by........what ???.....nothing!! I am not here to take a class on reading??NO WAY!!! I just wanna tell you a story of a boy who never read anything....!!
There was once a guy named radsopilod. ( what?? Its my I'll give any name! :) ). His life was full of fun till the age of 15. You know what was special? He had never ever read a book...not even one! (that doesn't mean he was illiterate obv!) .He had a friend named Kilofrost...who almost read 12765899 books an year...
Radsopilod once asked Kilofrost from a park why he enjoyed reading........! This question created a massive thunder in the park.....All the swings fell down...All the kids around shouted running for their life and all the see-saw flew away! Everyone ran for their life....except both of them.... Both of them wondered whats rong???? And right behind them was a GIANT GIANT GIANT GIANT GIANT..... know....its a biiiiiiiig story and you hate reading....and I know your not interested in knowing forget it!!! haha!!
And you know what???????? my friend once said me i have a bad future as a writer......and wat??? now she is somewhere minding her own business and me minding my own bussiness.... why dont you go and read something?????????
Quite funny.....!!!!!